2. Do not starve. I don't even remember how many times I gave up on dieting because of this, but if your program requires you to starve to shave off that 2 pound water weight, it won't stay off long.
3. Do not exercise for the sake of exercising. Do it as a goal, or as a hobby instead. For example, if you have listed jogging as your choice of exercise to lose weight, aim to complete a marathon, but start with a 5k first. These goals will keep you motivated, and your training won't feel like such a chore.
4. Do skip the alcohol on your program days. If you drink alcohol, do so only on weekends. They can be detrimental to your program, especially if you exercise. Ethanol is a very inefficient source of energy for the body, and trust me, you won't do a lot of miles with a hangover.
5. What is standing between your target weight and you, is YOU. Don't get emotional about the swings when you get on the scale, don't get discouraged, don't get cocky... It's all a fun ride, enjoy your shakes, and take it day by day!!!

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