Over the years of trying and dieting, I have found a few tips that would help the process. Here are 5 that I think are the most important bits that you should look out for on your journey:
1. Water
Remember I talked about the importance of water? Ideally, we are 2/3 water in composition, so it is important to keep ourselves hydrated, and even more so when we are trying to lose weight. The toxins stored in our fat over the years will need flushing out, and water will be the carrier for that. I typically drink around 3 to 4 liters a day, but people with better weight loss results have shared that they do more than 5 liters!!! So drink up, and be merry!!!
2. Essential Fatty Acids
Our brain is composed of 60% fat, so if we put ourselves on a low fat diet, it is natural that we need to supplement that lost fat with something else to keep our brain healthy and happy. The types of fat that we need, must be good fat, namely those with high composition of omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids. These are essential fatty acids (EFAs), which means our body cannot produce it themselves thus needs supplementation.
Best, and most common omega-3s come from deep sea fish oils. Nowadays, however, it is easily found in capsule form. Omega-9s on the other hand, comes from plants sources, most commonly in Olive Oil. However, all these oils should not be exposed to any heat before consuming, otherwise their anti-oxidant properties will be gone.
3. Decrease the Amount of Dead Food
Eat Fresh! Cut back, or eliminate entirely, the amount of dead foods in your daily diet. Foods that are processed, canned foods, mayonnaise and other condiments, do not provide any nutrients and some even contain copious amounts of calories. Use herbs and spices in place of ketchup and mayonnaise and it will do your body a big favour.
4. Fried Foods
Yummy... But not healthy... Cutting fried foods off your diet will eliminate a lot of fibreless, salty, and fatty calories from your diet. Though, we are all human, so only take them sparingly and occasionally.
5. "Two Hours Before Bedtime" Rule
Our body takes time to repair itself as we go to sleep at night, however, any unnecessary calories from carbs, protein and fat will be stored, as FAT. To avoid that, don't eat at least 2 hours before bedtime.
So there you have it, the 5 BEST fat burning tips for your journey to a lean healthy body. Have fun, and enjoy the fat burning process!!!
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